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Menaka, K.

  • Dynamic Hierarchial Clustering Based Human Action Classification

  • Effectiveness of Selected Nursing Intervention on Maternal and Newborn Outcome among Primigravida Mothers at Selected Hospitals

  • A Comparative Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Selected Nursing Strategies Vs Acupressure and the Quality of Life on Osteoarthritis among Geriatric Clients Residing in Selected Old Age Homes in Tamilnadu - Pilot Study

  • A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Self Care Management among Knee Osteoarthritis Patients Attending Outpatient Departments at Selected Hospitals, Thiruvannamalai

  • Effectiveness of Multi Interventional Package on Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy Drugs–Pilot Study

  • A Quasi Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Reflexlogy on Pain and Anxiety among Primi Postnatal Caesarean Mothers at Selected Hospital Kanyakumari District

  • Awareness of Breast Self-examination and risk factors of Breast Cancer among Women